8 things that nurture my faith as a Catholic. (Arranged in priority sequence)

1. Participate in daily Mass as often as possible

Receiving Communion more often provide strength for spiritual battle

2. Daily silent prayer 15 minutes (If possible, with the presence of the Blessed Sacrament) 

3. Holy Hour (if possible daily)

4. Daily Rosary 

5. Morning and Night Prayer

    - In my own words and any memorised prayers / Divine Office 

6. Weekly Confession (if not, fortnightly; if not monthly)

7. Evening Prayers (Divine Office) 

8. Spiritual Reading 10 minutes (Word of God / Other spiritual reading) 

If priests and church are not accessible 

1. Daily Silent Prayer. (At least 15 minutes) 

2. Morning Prayer and Night Prayer 

3. Rosary 

4. Evening Prayer 

Other (Optional)

1. Spiritual Journaling 

Write anything you want! It can be gratitude journaling, Any inspiration from Holy Spirit or Examination of Conscience 

2. Spiritual Direction from a priest or religious regularly. 


You may not want to commit everything at once and if something seems too much just do part of it! 

Faith is not a checklist of things to do for Jesus, we can never do anything for Jesus, it is always God that draws us to Him. Faith is a relationship!


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