
The connection between being a highly sensitive person and being the Beloved daughter of God the Father

          I have always been struggling with being myself. Because I do not fit in, like a lot. If you know me, I am an introvert, highly sensitive and easily emotional. I cannot handle a lot of information at the same time, I need a lot of alone time, I struggle with multiple people gathering and I rather talk to my dog. But I am not anti-social, I like socialising but I just need gaps in between.      I often cry because people cannot understand me. I often being sad because I care too much and it is harder for me to move on, like a lot. Until the day I finally met my first spiritual director (Fr. Jack of course!), he told me that: "No one on this earth is going to (or have the ability to)  understand you, Jessica, what you long for is something deeper and beyond this finite life. Only Jesus can understand you deeply, in a way that satisfies your longing. Only the one who has carried the cross of the world can walk with you." When I he...

Spiritual reasons that I may permanent logging off the social media world

  Picture not owned by the author. 1. Using social media has affected my mental health  Other people's opinion without proper reasoning is posted everywhere and I have found that every time I finished scrolling my timeline, I became less hopeful and more worrying. And that addictiveness just makes me feel like a slave.  2. It has been a nurturing bed of conspiracy theory  Not all information is true and it is just too much of people's opinion which I do not think I need that in my life. People share stuff without thinking twice and people's opinions have been more and more extreme in recent years. It is scary, I cannot change the world but I can do something to not letting it affect my life.  3. It makes me seeking attention in the wrong direction  Unintentionally, I may want to know how much people care for my post and is there any comment on my post. What I am trying to achieve is to seek the attention of people from the wrong path. The only attention tha...

The real story about the Ecological Crisis (Oversimplified version)

          Let's first definite the term 'ecological crisis'. My personal definition of Ecological Crisis is a man-made crisis that results from improper planning and critical analysis on the distribution of ecological resources that causes an imbalance in the social, economic and environmental sector of the society.      For the general public, the ecological crisis is the combination of climate change, water, air and soil pollutions, premature death from environmental issues, plastics pollution, poverty, inequality of wealth, species extinction, excess deforestation, dying of both forest and aquatic habitats etc. The list can go on.      I think most of the people that live in wealthy countries regards the ecological crisis is just a side effect of our prosper golden civilisation era of human history, it is inevitable. If we have development and improvement of living standard, we 'must' therefore sacrifice the nature in somewa...

8 Things I will tell my 16 years old self. (From 22 years old me)

1. Just Be Yourself.  You cannot please others if you are not being yourself. Stop trying to please other human beings. The only person you need to strive to please is Jesus. And He is very gentle.  2. Don't be so hard on yourself. People are not really looking at you the way you are thinking. Stop trying to guess what others are thinking about you. It really does not matter. Unless he/she tell you that means that they are not thinking that. 3. It is okay to be emotional and sensitive, don't try to change that part of you.  You are going to cry a lot, you are going to care about the things that no one really cares. You are going to struggle to find friends and it is okay. Be gentle to yourself and try to understand your feelings and your feelings are important, not to others but to yourself and God.  4. Your Happiness should lie on Jesus alone or else you will find yourself struggling again.  Only, I mean really only Jesus can satisfy all your deepest desires. D...

Ecological crisis is not a science issue but justice and moral issue

      Most of us are not scientists and we cannot digest graphs and statistics. That is why the ecological crisis is often depicted as mysterious and hard to understand.  But we all know that as long as the majority general public does not have the awareness of wanting to push a revolutionary change, we are doomed, humanity may just end very soon.         You may be confused with the title but it is true that ecological crisis (especially climate change) is not a science issue but justice and moral issue. Many would say that environmental issues are too complicated and have too many causes and there is no one solution for all. But from what I know, almost all environmental issues start from a human heart where there is indifference, injustice, selfishness and greed. And above all is putting self-love above love for others. Science is only a great tool of trying to understand all the issues and try to solve it using technology and science knowledge...

On the Feast of Our Lady of Rosary 7/10/2020

      I have two soft spots among all the teachings of the Catholic Church. The first would be Our Lady, Mother Mary and the second would be the religious sisters.      When I think about Mother Mary, my mind will be thinking of her gentleness, her meekness, her humbleness, total surrender to God's will and her powerful 'fiat', her 'yes' to the salvation of the world. She is my advocate when I feel that I am far away from God. She is my consoler when I cannot feel consolation from God, she is my helper when I am confused in my relationship with Jesus.      In Bishop Barron's video about Mary that I watched today, Bishop Barron emphasised that she is not a sentimental figure in the bible but a perfect disciple to Our Lord. She is always haste in responding to the will of God. I quote "She (Mary) moves through the history of salvation with this kind of courage and simplicity, She is the new Israel that follows the Divine Word....


  致:所有和我一样受伤的人     那天,我去了告解,神父告诉我,我所告的罪, 可能和我从小所经历的一切有关。像是别人对于我的拒绝,那些该爱我而没有没有做到的人, 社会所灌输我的所有谎言,那些我不值得被爱的谎言,那些我不够好的谎言, 别人所告诉我所有不值得被爱的理由,那些失败的人际关系,所有各种各样扭曲的真理,不断地在我成长的过程中,充斥着我,告诉我如果我不做一些事情让我自己有价值,那我就不值得被爱。或是别人的罪而照成我的伤害。     听到这里,我忍不住了,就留下了眼泪,因为我明白他指的"那些事" 是什么。一件一件的,非常清楚,非常痛,非常恶心。     他问我:"你知道 你是善的吗?而且是非常善 (very good) 你的好不是因为你做了什么,而是因为天父是谁,他是爱,他只能爱。你的价值,你的定义是在于天父对于你的爱,其他的都太过肤浅,你的价值是天主最挚爱的女儿."     他告诉我:“这些事情所造成的伤口,在天主的帮助下是可以复原的,你的价值并不取决于你的罪,你的伤口,你的经历。” “ 可是这一切是需要时间来治愈的。你对於自己要温柔,允许自己的难过,允许自己奔溃,最重要的是抱有希望,不要放弃。”   “你要每天提醒自己哪些是是社会告诉你的谎言,那些事是真理,每天在镜子里告诉自己你是善良的,美丽的。”     ”祈祷。祈祷天主圣神帮助你,帮助你治愈,帮助你保持喜乐,那种就算经历着痛苦也能做到的喜乐。” 我的感想     我发现承认自己的破碎是一件极困难的事,很痛 而也是允许自己开始拥有真理的开始。     当我开始提醒着自己,我的伤口,或许也能慢慢理解别人对於我的伤害。因为每一个人都有着自己的伤口,大大小小的,而大部分的人包括我自己,都没有花时间,允许自己复原,允许自己软弱。而我们跟随着社会洗脑我们的谎言,假装我们很好,我们没事,假装我们很快乐,假装我们很满足。然后把这些破碎都埋在心中,越深越好,像一颗随时会爆炸的炸弹。     这或许就是为什么很多人从天主的救援转移到 毒品,酒精,性,物质上的满足 来填满那些伤口所造成的空缺。     我非常清楚这不是一个 “他...